Create Room For Good: The 1,000 Hearts Project

Create Room For Good: The 1,000 Hearts Project

It has been so fun to see the beautiful hearts our community has created throughout the month of March as we partnered with Amy Latta and Hearts Need Art to bring love to those in need.

So far, we've managed to donate an impressive 710 hearts! But we're not quite there yet, with just 290 more to go to reach our goal of 1,000 hearts. So, we've decided to extend our help in this challenge for another month, until May 1st, to give everyone a chance to get involved and help us reach our goal!


How can I participate?

If you're just learning about this challenge now, don't worry, participating in this challenge is easy! Simply create hand-made hearts using any of your favorite supplies you have on hand - paper, fabric, yarn, or anything else that inspires you. If you need some inspiration, scroll to the bottom of this blog to see what other members of our community have made.

When finished, post a photo of your hearts to our Facebook group or other social platforms using the hashtags #CreateRoomForGood and #Make1000Give1000. Don't forget to tag us @createroomco and let us know how many hearts you made. We'll keep a tally and update our blog and social media throughout the month to track our progress.

You can also email our team at to let us know how many hearts you made. Every heart counts, and we appreciate any contribution you can make to help us reach our goal!


Mail your hearts by May 1st to the following address:

Hearts Need Art
ATTN: #make1000give1000
P.O. Box 791222
San Antonio, TX 78279


Community Participation

We'd like to give a big thanks again to everyone who has participated this far. Your creativity is contagious and inspiring! Check out some of the amazing hearts made by our community members in the past month and get ideas for your own projects:


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